Macarelleta Beach, Menorca, Spain
(© Michele Falzone/Getty Images)
This tranquil scene captures the serenity that can be found on the Spanish island of Menorca (aka Minorca), at least compared to the 24-hour party scene that some other islands in this archipelago are known for. For decades, tourists have flocked to the Balearic Islands of Majorca and Ibiza for their world-famous nightlife. Meanwhile, visitors report that on the more family-friendly Menorca (from the Latin for “small island,” distinguishing it from Majorca’s “large island”), the beaches are less crowded and generally more geared toward a relaxing vacation than a hedonistic weekend.
At Macarelleta Beach, not only can we see the jewel-blue waters of the Mediterranean, but also some of the many caves along Menorca’s coast. Some of the caves extend into the surrounding waters, giving scuba divers something to explore beyond the seabed.